Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lani Shepherd's Glass Slipper

Found this short article about a stained glass artists who designed her own glass slipper: Artist of the week: Lani Shepherd

"I was always intrigued by the idea of a glass slipper and as a child I wondered how it would be made," said Lani. "Little did I think that so many years later I would be able to create a glass slipper for myself."

Her experience as a sculptor and jeweller, working with ideas developed from natural and architectural themes, gives her creations an original and jewel-like quality.

"I trained as a sculptor, I am a registered silversmith, so I have the skills and the Cinderella story was my inspiration. The Slipper is made from stained glass, glass nuggets and silver wire. I didn't know quite how it would look, so I started with the sole and heel and it just grew from there."

You can see more of her work at

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