Monday, December 13, 2010

Quilt Week: Fairy Tale Pattern Books

So much of the country has been hit with the first big snowstorm of the season, that I thought it was time to share fairy tale themed quilts.  My Heiner grandmother was a quilter so I received a few quilts as gifts from her during my childhood. Most were of the basic pattern/ragbag variety, but a few were made with special purposes in mind such as a lamb baby quilt and an "H" quilt, for example.

In the last few decades, the art of quilting has been taken to amazing levels, especially with the advances in fabric production and prints when combined with embroidery techniques.  Today I offer books of patterns for fairy tale designs. This week I will offer other quilting images that have been shared around the internet.

These make me wish for a fairy tale quilt to snuggle under this cold, snowy, wintery day. How about you?

Once upon a Quilt: Fairy Tales in Fabric

Fairytale Quilts and Embroidery

Once Upon a Time Fairy Tale Puzzle Quilts

Quilted Fairie Tales: Love to Quilt Series

Fairy Tale Baby - Quilt Patterns

Once Upon A Time - 3 Children's Quilt Patterns

Once Upon a Time in X-blocks Land: Nine Magical Quilt Designs

Once upon a Time in the Country... October, Hickory Dickory Dock Quilt of the Month

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