Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rumpelstiltskin at Enchanted Conversation

The newest issue of Enchanted Conversation at FairyTaleMagazine.com is up. Here is the direct link to the table of contents. The theme for the issue is Rumpelstiltskin.

This is old news since it went up last Friday actually, but I've been head down in translating tales for upcoming SurLaLune collections which makes my brain go splat when I read other things remotely fairy tale related right now.

My good intentions were to preread and comment, but it just won't be happening for several more days as I deal with heavy, heavy editing and some final translating. But new books will be coming soon. Bluebeard, my friends, is huge at well over 700 pages. More about that later... (And my punchiness has probably shown through on the blog recently, too. It's subtle, but I see it at least, after all I'm experiencing it firsthand.)

Here's a glance at that Table of Contents:

1) Welcome!

2) Little Rattle Belly

3) The Other End of The Tale

4) Rumpelstiltskin (Burns)

5) The Queen's Child Comes In

6) Garbage-To-Gold Spindle

7) He Tore Himself In Two

8) Batul and the Rumpel

9) The Name of the Helper

10) Straw Into Gold

11) The Duchess's Boy

Congrats to KateW and company for achieving another issue...

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