Peau d'Ane by Charles Perrault (Auteur), Anne Romby (Illustrateur & Auteur) is the picture book I bought for myself when I traveled to France in 2008. I bought the book in a little children's toy store in Arles, actually, near where Van Gogh lived and painted for a while. So I look at this book and have fond memories, including carrying it around for the rest of the day as we tried to explore Arles but were frustrated almost every stop by site closures.
Needless to say, this is one of my favorite illustrated versions of the tale which is why I bought it and carried it around southern France for a day. There are at least twice as many illustrations as you will see here, but this is enough to give you a grand taste of the book as well as see some of my favorites.
These scans of the images are not my own, but came from another site, a children's book illustration blog.
Book description:
Pour échapper à son père qui a décidé de l’épouser, une jeune princesse se sauve et devient « Peau d’Âne », une pauvre servante. La reprise du très célèbre conte qui retrouve une nouvelle jeunesse grâce à de superbes illustrations.
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