The Journal of American Folklore is a publication of The American Folklore Society. If your primary interest is fairy tales, this is not going to be your favorite journal--the ones mentioned earlier this week have more directly fairy tale related articles on the whole. However, the journal is one of the top ones about folklore in general and merited its own post.
The Journal of American Folklore, the quarterly journal of the American Folklore Society since the Society's founding in 1888, publishes scholarly articles, essays, notes, and commentaries directed to a wide audience, as well as separate sections devoted to reviews of books, exhibitions and events, sound recordings, film and videotapes, and exhibitions and events. Its contents are not restricted to folklore in the United States; in fact, the Journal publishes materials on folklore anywhere in the world.
The contents of the Journal reflect a wide range of professional concerns and points of view. Articles present significant research findings and theoretical analyses from folklore and related fields. Essays are interpretive, speculative, or polemic. Notes are narrower in scope and focus on a single, often provocative, issue of definition, interpretation, or amplification. Commentaries briefly address topics raised in earlier articles.
Members of the American Folklore Society receive four issues of the Journal each year as one of their member benefits.
The full text of issues of the Journal from Volume 114 (2001) to the present is available online through Project MUSE. AFS members receive complimentary access to the issues of the Journal available through Project MUSE as a benefit of membership.
Here's a link to Journal of American Folklore: Recent Tables of Contents. If you browse there, you'll find very little that is fairy tale oriented, but there's plenty of interesting reading all the same.
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