Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fairytale Reflections (26) Pauline Fisk

Midnight Blue In the Trees Flying for Frankie Telling the Sea

I failed to get a link up to Fairytale Reflections (26) Pauline Fisk at SMoST last week so here we are! As much as I love reading about the fairy tale aspects of these posts, I also love learning about so many authors who are relatively unknown here in the U.S. That is one of my greater hopes for ebooks--the relative ease of getting international distribution of books. As always, Katherine provides a wonderful introduction to Fisk's work and then steps aside for Fisk's contribution.

This time Pauline Fisk writes about Wild Edric in her guest post. Here are the first few paragraphs. As always click through to read it all:

WILD EDRIC (and me)

My whole life has been spent trying to bring together ‘real life’ and the world of fantasy, in particular by finding new and interesting ways of expressing a sense of the magical in my writing. Ever since I was five years old, hunting down fairies in the back alley behind my parents’ house, a sense of more to life than meets the eye has been part of who I am. When I was a child, life was one big fairy tale. That was how I felt. But how to get into that fairy tale? How to make that fairy tale my life, and make it real and be a part of it?

It was through stories that I found the way. I couldn’t write when I was five years old, but I could make up stories and that was what I did, standing at the garden fence, telling them out loud to the big children in the house next door, lined up on their side of the fence asking, ‘What happened next?’ But those stories, made up off the top of my head, were ephemeral. They were fly-by-nights, whereas words on paper had a strange new durability which I discovered when I learnt to write. Describing Winnie the Pooh hunting honey made me part of the story. Adventuring with the Famous Five turned them into a Famous Six. I made those things my own, and I made them real - and simply by writing about them.

Mrs Marridge Project The Secret of Sabrina Fludde TYGER POOL The Candle House

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