Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lily Collins as Snow White

And while I am covering Snow White films today, an image of Lily Collins as Snow White was also released this week. This is quite different from the Kristen Stewart trilogy of films in imagery and tone.

From Ooh La La, Lily Collins as Snow White! Does Kristen Stewart Stand a Chance?:

And with Lily's yet-to-be-titled Snow White film by Relativity coming out less than three months before K.Stew's Snow White and The Huntsman, the battle for the best interpretation of the fairy tale is about to get heated.

Kris has seriously upped her work-out regimen as of late, prepping for the role by taking tons of horseback riding lessons and yoga classes.

According to IMDb, Kris' Snow White and the Hunstman is described as: "In a twist to the fairy tale, the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth), ordered to take Snow White (Stewart) into the woods to be killed, winds up becoming her protector and mentor in a quest to vanquish the Evil Queen (Charlize Theron)."

Looks like Lily's character couldn't be more opposite.

"She's very much that fairy-tale princess we've all read about in books," Lily told E.W. of her Snow White role, adding that she is "a joyful person who lights up a room and maintains grace at all times."
This will be an interesting study in contrasts, won't it?

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