Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fairy Tales at Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association

I just learned about this one today, so hopefully if you are interested in the topic and have a proposal to submit, you already have since the deadline is December 1. However, registration and attendance are still open, too. This one sounds interesting especially considering the conference's wider theme of "Foods & Culture(s) in a Global Context." The PDF for the fairy tale specific paper call is copied below. The main is at Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association.

Myth and Fairy Tale Call for Papers

Abstract/Proposals Due: 1 December 2011

Southwest/Texas Popular Culture & American Culture Association’s 33rd Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM February 8-11 2012

Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

Panels now forming on topics related to all areas of myth and fairy tale and their connections to popular culture. To participate in this area, you do not need to present on both myths and fairy tales (one or the other is perfectly fine), but we have seen that bringing both genre categories into conversation has led to extremely valuable and stimulating conversations.

Papers relating to the 2012 Conference Theme: “Celebrating Foods and Culture(s) in a Global Context” will be given special consideration, and might be as variable as (though certainly not limited to):

--Eating and Devouring in “Little Red Riding Hood”

--Magical Fruits in Classical Mythology

--Food and Entrapment in “Hansel and Gretel”

--Rituals and Eating in Hindu Mythology

--Fairy Tale Poetry: Food and Seduction (Olga Broumas, Carol Ann Duffy, Jackie Kay, etc.)

--Food, Ritual, and Folklore (Joseph Campbell, James Frazer, etc.)

--Disney Heroines and Food Preparation (Rapunzel, Snow White, Frog Princess, etc.)

--Music, Food, and Myth in the Cherokee Tradition

-- Storytelling as an Act of Feeding the Soul: Scheherazade Narratives

--Picture Books: Illustrating of Fairy Tale Foods

Additional areas of interest might include:

--Where Fairy Tales and Myth Overlap

--Non-Western Myths and Fairy Tales

--Fairy Tales in/as “Children’s Literature”


--Urban Fairy Tales

--Ethnic Myths and Fairy Tales

--Gendered Readings of Myths and Fairy Tales

--Postcolonial Myths and Fairy Tales

--Myths and Fairy Tales in Advertising Culture

--Reading Myths and Fairy Tales in the Popular Culture of Past Centuries

--Performing Myths and Fairy Tales: Drama and/or Ritual

--Genres of Myths and/or Fairy Tales: Film, Television, Poetry, Novels, Music, Comic Books, Picture Books, Short Stories, or Graphic Novels

Scholars, teachers, professionals, and others interested in Myths And Fairy Tales are all heartily encouraged to participate. Graduate students are particularly welcome, and should consider submitting their conference papers for one of the Graduate Writing Awards, especially the Kenneth Davis Award for Folklore Studies, which recognizes “an outstanding graduate essay in the field of folklore studies.” (full papers due January 15, 2012) http://swtxpca.org/documents/112.html#KennethDavisAward_Bookmark.

If you wish to form your own Myth or Fairy Tale-focused panel, I would be glad to facilitate (panels focused on one particular tale are especially encouraged). If your work does not focus on Myth or Fairy Tale but fits within the broad range of areas designated for the upcoming conference on American & Popular culture, I strongly encourage you explore the long list of areas http://www.swtxpca.org/documents/123.html. And please do pass along this call to any friends and colleagues who work with myths and fairy tales. We’ve had some wonderful and wonderfully diverse panels over the last few years, and I look forward to seeing that tradition continue in 2012.

Please submit 200 word abstracts and 600-800 word proposals for panels by 1 December 2011, and please note that all presenters must be registered for the conference by 31 December 2011.

Abstracts must be uploaded to the SW/TX PCA/ACA database at: http://conference2012.swtxpca.org

But if you have any additional questions about the “Myths and Fairy Tales” area, please feel free to contact:

Jacquilyn Weeks: jweeks@nd.edu
College of Arts and Letters Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Notre Dame
Department of English
356 O’Shaughnessy Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556

General information and online registration http://www.swtxpca.org/ (updated regularly)

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