Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nursery Rhymes Exhibit in Santa Barbara, California

(This is just here for visual interest, I have no idea what images are in the exhibit itself.)

Nursery Rhymes Exhibit
The Karpeles, Santa BarbaraSanta Barbara, California
September 1 - December 29, 2011

A nursery rhyme is any verse that is customarily and traditionally said or sung to small children. From the point of view of definition, the source and age of the rhyme is immaterial, and it need not originally have been intended for children.

It becomes a nursery rhyme through usage.

Why are Most Nursery Rhymes Old?

When a child has to be entertained, the rhymes and songs most readily recalled are those from an adult's own childhood, and this is the reason why the nursery repertoire is traditional and remains moderately stable. A rare exception is a rhyme or song which was new when the adult was a child may occasionally come to mind along with the old verses, and thus enter the stream of tradition. Two such 'new-commers' are: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Written by Ann and Jane Taylor in 1806) and Mary Had a Little Lamb (Written by Sarah Josepha Hale in 1830).

The ages of nursery rhymes vary considerably, and the origin and history of each rhyme must be examined individually.

Original Illustrations will be on exhibit from:

Baa, Baa Black Sheep

Cock a Doodle doo


Hickety, pickety

Humpty Dumpty

Jack and Jill

King Arthur

Little Bo Peep

Ring a-round the roses

Simple Simon a

Simple Simon b

There was a crooked man

There Was a Little Man

This Little Piggy

Three wise men of Gotham

Wee Willie Winkie

Oranges and Lemons

In addition, The following will be included in the exhibit:

Charles Perrault
Jack and Jill by L. M. Alcott

This is the House/Jack Built

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